Welcome to
Pinnacle Hygiene

Pinnacle Hygiene Solutions are a Loughborough based service provider of high-quality washroom & hygiene services around the Midlands area.

We have over 20 years’ experience of providing a washroom service with the reputation of giving high levels of personal service and working with our customers to meet their individual needs.

We have a highly experienced & dedicated team who provide a friendly and discreet service.

All our staff are fully trained and have an enhanced DBS certificate.


Pinnacle Hygiene Solutions, your go to cleaning and hygiene specialists

Proven in supplying our clients with high quality cleaning service. Our cleaning solutions are ideal for any job large or small. Whatever your needs and requirements we can help.

We Provide

Feminine Hygiene Units
Hand hygiene
Air Care
Contract cleaning
Nappy waste disposal
Water management systems
Vending machines
Pest control
Medical waste
Disinfecting service (COVID)


  • Adam
    Pinnacle Hygiene are your go to supplier for bathroom hygiene solutions. Would recommend to any business large or small
  • Jack
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent sem felis, rutrum sed ornare sed, fermentum in velit. Nam vel pretium lorem, non pellentesque orci. Etiam ornare tortor metus, vitae fringilla nibh finibus pulvinar. In at porttitor massa, vitae condimentum libero. Vestibulum magna magna, ultrices vel consequat sit amet, euismod eget massa. Etiam nec ligula tellus. Donec iaculis sit amet justo sed scelerisque. Donec in turpis vel risus viverra bibendum. Phasellus nec velit facilisis, posuere magna vitae, vulputate elit.